Just heard a rendition of “Deck the Halls” sung entirely on the word, fart.
New Family Rules
Christmas vacation inspired family rule #1: You may not do things that anyone finds wildly infuriating.
Christmas vacation inspired family rule #2: You may only play “Jingle Bells” on the piano 1 million times a day. More than that is too many.
A Great Try
One night Joey (Age 3) tried to tell John that the reason he wasn’t going to eat his dinner was because he didn’t like it. And the reason he didn’t like it was because of the Coronavirus. We thought it was a great try.
The Time Joey Got Into The Chocolate
Josiah found Noah’s Valentine Hershey kisses right before dinner and ate six of them before Noah and Ezra discovered him.
N and E: “Joey! What are you doing?!”
J: “Don’t tell Daddy!”
*Surprisingly, Joey had no appetite for dinner.
*I found the six candy wrappers he shoved under the couch later that night.
Josiah on Sharing
“It’s not hard to share when every people feels good.”
–Josiah William who may throw tantrums that deafen others, but who is strangely good at sharing for someone who is three.
The Time Noah Threw His Underpants in the Toilet
Me: Why is there a wet pair of your underpants on the bathroom counter?
Noah: Well. (Long pause). I was groggy when I woke up this morning. (Long pause). And I threw them in the toilet.